Senin, 21 November 2022

Text for MC

 The honorable Mr. Abduh as a coach of MGMP SR 3

The honorable Mr. Acep Fajrin as a chairman of  MGMP SR 3

The honorable All teachers as the member of MGMP SR 3

Firstly, lets thanks to Allah SWT that has given us healt and happiness so that we are gather here in our monthly meeting of MGMP SR 3. As The agenda forming a final examination sheet.

Secondly, solawat and salam lets pray to our prophet Muhammad SAW that has brought Us from the darkness to the lightness from the bad way to the good way.

I would like to say Thanks for your attendence coming to our school of SMPN 1 Lebakgedong, as green and beautiful as the MC. 

And Also, i would like to say please forgive me for the limitations of this place. Im so sorry if you all had to sit here. Standing equal sitting equal. We are sitting here for the same goals forming an examination sheet.

Ladies and gentleman 

Lets us open this agenda with say basmalah and continue by reading Quran surah Al Insirah that will be led by our chairman Mr. Acep Fajrin.

The Second agenda, lets us sing together national anthem that will be lead by Mrs. Fitri Sri Rahayu.

And the third agenda, is short speech that will be deliver by the chairman. For Mr. Acep the time is yours.

And for the next short speech will be deliver by a coach. For Mr. Abduh the time is yours 

And the last agenda lets us pray together that will be lead by Mr....

Ladies and gentleman 

We have been finished the all point of agenda. Apologize me if there are any mistake in guiding this meeting. Thats enough for me and Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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